About Us

Hi, my name is Claire
Taylor; I am the artist behind dolls you see here at Claire Taylor Dolls. I have been
making dolls for over twenty five years. My favorite dolls to sculpt are
portraits of children and babies. I strive for
constant never ending improvement as I try to make my dolls as
realistic as I possibly can. I am a wife and mother of 5 and when I am
not busy with my family I am making dolls. I started selling dolls
professionally in October of 2006 hope I can continue making beautiful dolls as far into the future as possible.
[email protected]
815 N Homestead Blvd
Homestead, FL US
We love to talk!
We're not afraid to talk to you. Need help or just don't like placing orders over the Net? Contact Us. info@ClaireTaylor Dolls.com
We're not afraid to talk to you. Need help or just don't like placing orders over the Net? Contact Us. info@ClaireTaylor Dolls.com
Thanks for shopping with us!